Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Now that school is back,,,,how to decrease Homework Hell?

The kids may not be happy with being back in school but maybe you, parents are! You both are not looking forward to homework and the struggle that it can be. Well, how about a little change?

Set a place where homework will get done. Consistent place will help with transition from school to home and it can become a good habit.

Have homework time right after school. Why? If homework is put off til after dinner or TV, then your kid or kids will not want to get it done, the brain has "shut off" from school mode and you may be setting yourself up for arguments. I know it may be challenging when sports are involved and yes kids do need a downtime, however if the schedule can be managed then when homework is complete, the kid and you will actually have MORE downtime!

Allow your child to be responsible for their homework. I know that is challenging because parents want their children to get their homework done and parents do not want to have to constantly remind them,, but parents do. It works for the kids because the amount of time that is being argued about getting homework done, the homework can actually be done. So,, how to change that?

For starters: the child knows what he/she has to do. They were in school, they are very smart and it is their responsibility to get their work done. That is their job. If you are working harder than your child about their homework, they do not really have to worry about it, because you are worrying for them. So, remind them the homework schedule, remind them that if they need help you will help them and when the homework is done, they can play. If they take hours to do 1 or 2 pages, then they are telling you that they do not care about playtime, TV,,, etc. So, when it is time to go to bed and they said they did not get to play or watch TV, a simple answer would be: Well, next time complete your homework on time and then you may be able to play. That's it,, nothing more. Try not to engage in the child's whining,, they want that! Homework is THEIR responsibility.

What if they do not turn their homework in? Yes, this is a problem and you are involved because the teacher calls you and tells you what happened and expects you to make sure the homework is turned it. So, this part can be challenging but can still be done. A response would be: Tell (Tommy) that he needs to turn in the homework, and I will remind him once. It's Tommy's (your child's) responsibility. They will learn that when they do not turn in their homework then they do not get to have fun, will have more homework etc. The challenging part is that as parents, we do not want our children to suffer or have consequences... but that in the end does not help them. It can actually hurt them. Allow your child to deal with the consequences for thier actions,, they will learn and they will choose what they are going to do. Hopefully they will learn quickly but sometimes they do not. If you keep nagging them, then they will not do it on their own or only do it so you will get off their back.

Your children will rise to the occasion, however high the bar is set. Setting the bar too high is frustrating as well as having it set too low.

Homework is the child's responsibility. When he/she completes it on his own, he/she will feel accomplished, feel good and have a good sense of self worth. Nag less,, does not really help at all..

More later